Accessible Technology

“We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. That’s a clear prescription for disaster.” – Late Great Carl Sagan Exciting times lay ahead for technology and it’s going to be equally interesting to see some of the products that will be spawned from the likes of nano … Continue reading Accessible Technology

Why work doesn’t work!

Here’s an interesting video from a TEDtalk session with the co-founder and president of 37signals, Jason Fried. 37signals are producers of web based collaboration tools. They are responsible for the development and open sourced programming framework Ruby on Rails and many others. Creative people within the industry will definitely understand this and it would be interesting to know how other workers within other sectors of business feel … Continue reading Why work doesn’t work!

Super Cool Morning…brrr

Wow is it me or are these months just flying past faster than you can say Clark Kent? I can almost hear the fine tune of Christmas songs being whistled just across the horizon. The weather’s dropped and gales are blowing in London, and it’s not nice out at all, so waking up this morning to an update to the November issue of  Wonderlance’s online … Continue reading Super Cool Morning…brrr

The Day We Stood Still

Patterns. Our lives are full of them, from patterns in our food to the music that we hear to the most intricate uses of it in nature and even further beyond are planet still in the configuration of our Solar System. Patterns are what hold us together, it’s the combination of something that can give us power or even make our food taste better and … Continue reading The Day We Stood Still

Games, Cover Features & Superman

Whilst busy with projects there’s been quite a few things that have caught my senses this month. The opening to the Common Wealth Games is on in the background and I’m so very impressed on the ceremony. It’s a beautiful site to watch the fantastic array of colours, traditions, music and multicultural harmony between the 71 Common Wealth countries all having such a great time, … Continue reading Games, Cover Features & Superman

Stuck in a Holagram

“It isn’t that the world of appearances is wrong; it isn’t that there aren`t objects out there, at one level of reality. It’s that if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different view, a different reality. And that other reality can explain things that have hitherto remained inexplicable scientifically: paranormal phenomena synchronisers, the apparently meaningful … Continue reading Stuck in a Holagram

Recommended Read – Jacque Fresco Interview

“James Harvey Robinson believed that the proper study of man was man. There is no evidence to support this statement. A plant cannot grow of it own accord. It requires an environment of soil, nutrients, sunlight, etc. Any plant put in the polar regions will not grow no matter how well endowed it is genetically. Human beings are subject to the same physical laws that … Continue reading Recommended Read – Jacque Fresco Interview